Links to the texts for the examination of literacy skills writing as part of the selection process PMDH:
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Vigamox Past Expiration
Take it for a ride
few weeks ago I commented . Abstracts love. Texts are short, direct, perfect. They are like collectibles that advertise on TV, catch the eye.
I thought that I could develop an interesting abstract reviewer fell in love with a una conferencia internacional. Elegí cada frase con cuidado, me esforcé en medir los verbos, los adjetivos, cada concepto estaba justificado. Una maravilla que envié a 6 horas de la finalización del final de plazo.
El estudio que resumía en el abstract ni lo había empezado, claro. Ya lo decía mi padre: Penseque y creíque son hermanos de tonteque.
Como suele pasar en estos casos, cuanto menos te lo esperes, antes sonará la flauta. Total, que me han aceptado en un congreso internacional (de los gordos, eh) y tengo que hacer un estudio presentable y escribir la ponencia en menos de dos meses.
few weeks ago I commented . Abstracts love. Texts are short, direct, perfect. They are like collectibles that advertise on TV, catch the eye.
I thought that I could develop an interesting abstract reviewer fell in love with a una conferencia internacional. Elegí cada frase con cuidado, me esforcé en medir los verbos, los adjetivos, cada concepto estaba justificado. Una maravilla que envié a 6 horas de la finalización del final de plazo.
El estudio que resumía en el abstract ni lo había empezado, claro. Ya lo decía mi padre: Penseque y creíque son hermanos de tonteque.
Como suele pasar en estos casos, cuanto menos te lo esperes, antes sonará la flauta. Total, que me han aceptado en un congreso internacional (de los gordos, eh) y tengo que hacer un estudio presentable y escribir la ponencia en menos de dos meses.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Can You Get Toxoplasmosismore Then Once?
Links to the texts for the examination of literacy skills as part of the selection process PMDH:
The Autonomous University of Baja California through the Institute of Historical Research
and Faculty of Humanities
Convened to the Master's and Doctorate in History
The Masters and Doctorate in History (PMDH), addresses the need for further development and advancement of historical research from the northwest Mexico. This is an institutional effort aimed at broadening and strengthening graduate education provision in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences hosted by the Autonomous University of Baja California through the Institute of Historical Research and the Faculty of Humanities.
The PMDH goes especially to graduates of baccalaureate and graduate degrees in the area of \u200b\u200bsocial sciences and humanities. Constitutes a disciplinary alternative centered on the historical analysis of the various processes of an international generated in the countries of the Pacific Basin.
General objectives:
train competent professionals in historical research also able to perform in the field of teaching and dissemination of knowledge in this field. Mainly devoted itself to providing the tools necessary to manage and input from the historiographical field using relevant theoretical and methodological perspectives applied to research. On the other hand, it is proposed to have the qualities to convey their findings in various publications, academic forums and electronic media.
1) Masters (with undergraduate admission) promotion 2010-2011
2) PhD (income masterfully) 2010-2012
promotion 3) Direct Doctorate (admission to degree)
promotion 2010-2013 Program length:
1) Master: four semesters
2) PhD: six semesters
3) Direct Doctorate: eight semesters
PMDH Research Lines
settlement processes:
- Stakeholders in the process
mission - foreign colonization
- imagined social settings, social representations and ethnic identities
- historical and demographic dynamics
International Relations
- Shaping New Spain Septentrion historical and Mexico's northern border
- Historiography northern Mexico and western United States
- Mexico in the context of international relations
- historical and political processes in the Pacific basin
Social and Economic History: History
-economic development of northern Mexico and western U.S. Training
religious field-history-
companies and entrepreneurs and environment History History
-political and social movements
basic academic core
Dr. Everardo Garduno Ruiz
Dr. José Alfredo Gómez Estrada Constable Heath
Hillari Dr. Dr. Ramiro Jaimes
Dr. Mario Martinez Magaña Mancillas Dr. Jesus Mendez Reyes
Dr. Servando Ortoll
Dr. David Piñera Ramírez
Dr. Roger E.
Ríos Ruiz Marco Antonio Samaniego López Dr. Dr. Bibiana L.
Santiago Guerrero
Dr. Catalina Velázquez Morales
Master Map curricular
direct Doctoral
income Profile
Aspiring PMDH enter into the arrangements for Masters, PhD and direct Ph.D. must meet the following requirements:
* Basic knowledge about history and historiography of Mexico, historical processes between the countries of the Pacific basin, historical research methodology and social theory, history, social sciences and humanities. This knowledge will be assessed through personal interviews and written assessments.
* Skills: creativity, analytical ability, synthesis, writing and oral expression and generation of scientific knowledge.
* Values: Willingness to dialogue, tolerance and understanding of other viewpoints as well as diversity and cultural diversity, commitment and available for dissemination, communication and knowledge sharing.
Entry Requirements
In all modes present research proposal (with a maximum of 10 pages including bibliography) for review and approval of the interview and examination of knowledge.
1) Master:
• Have bachelor's degree preferably in Social Sciences or Humanities
• Have a minimum average of 80 out of 100, or its equivalent in graduate studies
• Submit a copy of the thesis and if any
Curriculum Vitae • Ability to read and understand academic texts written in English, under which most of the references used in the program requires that capacity. In deserving cases, the Graduate Studies Committee will decide the relevance of validating the knowledge of other languages \u200b\u200b
2) PhD:
• To enter the Ph.D. is need preferably with master's degree in History or related fields and demonstrate prior research.
• In the case of related master, the Graduate Studies Committee will review and decide on the amount of credits that may be granted to each applicant. The Thesis Committee will determine the learning units must take to cover the missing
• Have a minimum average of 80 out of 100, or its equivalent in undergraduate and graduate studies
• Submit a copy of the master's thesis Curriculum Vitae
• Demonstrate ability to read and comprehend academic texts written in English, under which most of the references used in the program requires that capacity. In deserving cases, the Graduate Studies Committee will decide the relevance of validating the knowledge of other languages.
3) Direct doctoral
• Have bachelor's degree, preferably in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities
• Have a minimum average of 80 out of 100, or its equivalent in graduate studies
• Submit copy of if any argument developed and Curriculum Vitae
• Demonstrate ability to read and comprehend academic texts written in English, under which most of the references used in the program requires that capacity. In deserving cases, the Graduate Studies Committee will decide the relevance of validating the knowledge of other languages \u200b\u200b
Selection process
The Graduate Studies Committee of PMDH be in charge of the selection process will consist of the following stages:
1. Evaluation of applications for admission (format provided by the Coordination of PMDH available on this blog ) with the required documentation.
2.1. Interview candidates to evaluate the following aspects:
-Basic knowledge of the research chosen
-Skill in verbal
-General knowledge of the social and historical processes
-General knowledge of historiography
-Knowledge of research methodology and historical
2.2. Written evaluation from the following:-Ability to
-Reading-Ability to synthesize
3. Notification of results.
Outcome Profile
PMDH The students will have the following skills and aptitudes:
• Critical knowledge of the major trends in historical research methodologies
• integrated view of historical processes that are generated in the national and international relations
• Ability to propose, implement and evaluate research projects related to their field of discipline
• Skill in the analysis of historical problems of national and international levels, individually and in interdisciplinary teams
• Writing scientific texts such as articles , book chapters and books
• Train high-level human resources in the field of historical research
• Awareness of social commitment to society and the environment
graduation requirements
1) Cover credits mandatory and optional program. The curriculum comprises a total of 80 credits for the master, 160 for the doctorate, and 170 for direct PhD
2) present the thesis at the time set by the director or co-directors of theses and Graduate Studies Committee , submit to their respective defense and approval
Important Dates
Validity of the call: October 12, 2009 to November 27, 2009
interview and examination: 16, 17 and 18 December 2009 Publication
Results: 7 and 8 January 2010
Registration Period: 12, 13 and 14 January 2010
Classes Start: February 4, 2010
Applications for Membership Available:
- here
-receiving IIH-UABC
format Download Instructions:
a) When pressing the mouse link will be redirected to the page from which you can download the application version word 97-2003.
b) Once the document image displayed on your screen (the time it takes depends on the speed of your Internet connection) on top of it, the center, you get the option to print where you should click and so will the printed document.
c) Another option is to view the document click the cursor on the screen down until you see download . Clicking on that icon, will be able to open or save the document to your computer.
Class times
Thursday and Friday 17:00 to 20:00 hours Saturdays 8:00 to 14:00 hours
registration fees and tuition will be informed in due course to the selected applicants.
Autonomous University of Baja California, Institute of Historical Research, Building 23. Sidewalk University 14418, International Industrial Park, Tijuana, BC Mexico.
Tel and Fax: (664) 682-16-96
Sunday, May 3, 2009
How Long Can A Stomach Virus Last In A House
A la tesis, digo.
Approaching a long weekend or a bridge and reaches the doubt. I get books and notes or not? I leave the computer and go on holiday without him? And if it rains and I stay at home all afternoon without doing anything?
going, I'll take it.
I have not played all over the bridge.
But if I had left behind ... you know what would have happened, right?
That's it. Mood
with Monday. New week, new month. Less.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
11o Volt D.c. Battery Charger Circuit Diagram
The Racing rats conjugated Grads
Each to his pace or all of the hand. That is the question.
Working in groups or do so only because I've always quite well. I must admit, though, that if I leave my air I can be very slow. I am one who works best under pressure.
and a doctoral fellowship is not without pressure. We are loners. We have the computer, books and databases. Each dog to lick his cock.
Maybe that's why sooner or later, in the hallway or cafeteria, looking at those other doctoral students with whom to share our despair. Together we encourage, we listen and give us advice, advance hand in hand. How nice it would be if it were not for the comparisons.
course. A meeting of fellows / PhD students may be comforting, but also a disaster if you end up realizing that they are more advanced than you or when you see people who started you have just read your dissertation and you still fighting with the theoretical framework.
I have also those colleagues with whom I often sit and talk about the thesis. And not long ago we agreed. The last I read dissertation will be invited to dinner to others.
get us is a way to pressure each other to finish before.
Working in groups or do so only because I've always quite well. I must admit, though, that if I leave my air I can be very slow. I am one who works best under pressure.
and a doctoral fellowship is not without pressure. We are loners. We have the computer, books and databases. Each dog to lick his cock.
Maybe that's why sooner or later, in the hallway or cafeteria, looking at those other doctoral students with whom to share our despair. Together we encourage, we listen and give us advice, advance hand in hand. How nice it would be if it were not for the comparisons.
course. A meeting of fellows / PhD students may be comforting, but also a disaster if you end up realizing that they are more advanced than you or when you see people who started you have just read your dissertation and you still fighting with the theoretical framework.
I have also those colleagues with whom I often sit and talk about the thesis. And not long ago we agreed. The last I read dissertation will be invited to dinner to others.
get us is a way to pressure each other to finish before.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Indoor Basketball Open Gym Nj
Back from vacation.
I feel bad (because I have not done or the egg).
You feel bad. He feels bad
But ...
We feel good.
So, folks. There is nothing better for post-holiday hangover eating with three companions and confess you have not given a stick to water. Many such evil, okay.
But it works. They say that this is not a competition, but somehow it is. When in a while I explain.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Acute Hiv Rash On Palms
Stories of the library (III): This is not a gym. O yes. Discipline
As I said, I intend to be disciplined and try to follow certain times. Lately I'm getting to the gym with some regularly. Well. Today
rude reflect on what it is people, whether at home or in public, from an observation I've been doing both in the library and in the gym.
is not the first time I leave here writing my indignation with memos that sometimes I come across in books. These days I could not help making a connection between them and I'm starting to meet in the gym. Similar
number 1. Site. If you're dealing
locker at the gym and there are people waiting to go, smart. The same if you picked out a book from the library and you get a mail informing that it has been reserved. Perceived pitch.
Like number 2. This is not yours.
In the shower, avoid spitting, urinating or leave hair of dubious origin. After you enter another that will not make you funny. Same with unfunny jokes, cartoons and notes you leave in the margin of books. Similar
number 3. Silence.
Needless to say, nothing more. Similar
number 4. Looks.
understand that the library look in the girl you like. Or the blonde's neck in front of you. Refrain from making comments if you look under the skirt of the girl who placed the books. But what I am writing or reading none of your business. I get nervous. Ditto if I'm getting the Gayumbo. Yes are elephants. So what? Similar
number 5. Friends.
can also speak out. Within estorbáis.
As I said, I intend to be disciplined and try to follow certain times. Lately I'm getting to the gym with some regularly. Well. Today
rude reflect on what it is people, whether at home or in public, from an observation I've been doing both in the library and in the gym.
is not the first time I leave here writing my indignation with memos that sometimes I come across in books. These days I could not help making a connection between them and I'm starting to meet in the gym. Similar
number 1. Site. If you're dealing
locker at the gym and there are people waiting to go, smart. The same if you picked out a book from the library and you get a mail informing that it has been reserved. Perceived pitch.
Like number 2. This is not yours.
In the shower, avoid spitting, urinating or leave hair of dubious origin. After you enter another that will not make you funny. Same with unfunny jokes, cartoons and notes you leave in the margin of books. Similar
number 3. Silence.
Needless to say, nothing more. Similar
number 4. Looks.
understand that the library look in the girl you like. Or the blonde's neck in front of you. Refrain from making comments if you look under the skirt of the girl who placed the books. But what I am writing or reading none of your business. I get nervous. Ditto if I'm getting the Gayumbo. Yes are elephants. So what? Similar
number 5. Friends.
can also speak out. Within estorbáis.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Very Red Soles Of Feet
Whenever I have it clearer. The discipline makes us better. Since I am firm with my schedule, I notice my productivity, still far from good, better every day.
few days of the week go to the gym. At 20h the pen and let loose to explore. Although it is highly concentrated. I get up and go. On the way to the gym review what I've done and what I have left half, and the next day I feel more encouraged to follow.
same morning and weekends. These days I'm cuadriculadísimo. One hour for lunch, half an hour for coffee and football at 19 hours which is sacred.
Before he did was lengthen the afternoon if not rife me everything I wanted. If a club had no water I had two more hours spent in the gym and came home thinking "at least 5 hours I've been sitting in the library." Wrong. Finally I chose the habit of spending hours and hours in front of books without doing much of anything.
If you do not work fine one day, nothing happens. At eight o'clock paras. And he finished his doctorate until tomorrow. At night also helping me a lot of reading novels, ending with that feeling "read = study."
Now I have it clear. This is the announcement that I leave here, you have few minutes a day you can devote to the doctorate. If you use them well. But tomorrow.
STOP to stop doing things for the dissertation. STOP dissertations that eat your life.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Mount And Blade Mod 1.011
I admit, many items that cross my itorio escr not get my attention beyond the abstract diagonal and a brief reading of the findings. Curious
the existence of such abstracts that lead the articles. In 250-400 words explain briefly about the topic, rationale, theories and m ETHODOLOGY the article. Some even advance you some conclusion based on the results. I've always hated spoilers, and I shall explain why.
Like all once, I did that. Lame article, I read the abstract, a look at the graphs, a couple of rehearsals to conclusions and passing the next. Do not do it.
should be beating about the eye, there can be something and n the world more dangerous than an abstract . Especially good abstract. It promises gold and m gold captivates you with its fine words and its ambitious results. If you do not get the item and can only read the abstract , you keep wanting more, believing you that the thesis is going to hell because that article I had come from fine china jewelry.
Nothing is further from reality. In many cases, these summaries are to be a powerpoint advertising agency, a lawyer combed card, embellished presentation that has no more purpose than to enter through the eyes of some doctors no time to read and very complete bibliography. They are the great lie of research (Especially in social sciences). Last week, without going any further, I read four articles whose abstracts were brilliant, but after a closer reading, texts became not stand for anything. Bullshit. But hey, what a great title and what it redactao summarized.
So I said to myself: "If you can not beat them, join them." And one afternoon I have borne an abstract . Hour and a half formulating and reformulating phrases in just 400 words a reviewer across the world falls in love with the wonderful article that hide. Or rather, to hide. For, indeed, the abstract is done, but the article does not! If I accept it, and think of what I do. But I removed it bailao, no?
the existence of such abstracts that lead the articles. In 250-400 words explain briefly about the topic, rationale, theories and m ETHODOLOGY the article. Some even advance you some conclusion based on the results. I've always hated spoilers, and I shall explain why.

Like all once, I did that. Lame article, I read the abstract, a look at the graphs, a couple of rehearsals to conclusions and passing the next. Do not do it.
should be beating about the eye, there can be something and n the world more dangerous than an abstract . Especially good abstract. It promises gold and m gold captivates you with its fine words and its ambitious results. If you do not get the item and can only read the abstract , you keep wanting more, believing you that the thesis is going to hell because that article I had come from fine china jewelry.
Nothing is further from reality. In many cases, these summaries are to be a powerpoint advertising agency, a lawyer combed card, embellished presentation that has no more purpose than to enter through the eyes of some doctors no time to read and very complete bibliography. They are the great lie of research (Especially in social sciences). Last week, without going any further, I read four articles whose abstracts were brilliant, but after a closer reading, texts became not stand for anything. Bullshit. But hey, what a great title and what it redactao summarized.
So I said to myself: "If you can not beat them, join them." And one afternoon I have borne an abstract . Hour and a half formulating and reformulating phrases in just 400 words a reviewer across the world falls in love with the wonderful article that hide. Or rather, to hide. For, indeed, the abstract is done, but the article does not! If I accept it, and think of what I do. But I removed it bailao, no?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Dell Gx620 Soundtreiber
Worse Abstracts are others ... Stories
Extracted page F *** My Life :
Extracted page F *** My Life :
Today, I handed my PhD dissertation, Which I Have Spent the past year Researching and writing full- time. Last night, my roommate in September an autocorrect on Word That changed "neither" to "nigger." Until I did not notice it after I handed in. My teacher is black. FMLFrom here we send lots of encouragement to the poor kid ...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hot Gay Men In Alabama
library (II)
I consider myself tolerant educated and, above all, know that I am a patient person.
But there are things I can not.
18.41 in the library of the faculty. Full (for testing). To my right a guy up from the table, goes to the shelves after four minutes back with a hardcover book. It creaks open and the book, brand new.
I swear, not even ten minutes passed and the guy was stressing the book's pages with his masticadísimo Bic. The mother that bore him, I thought. I raised my head for another witness to such savagery. Nothing, everyone seemed to be focused. A girl at the back of the room and looked at me immediately looked away to refocus on your laptop.
worst came later, when having nasty five pages without the slightest shame, the kid gets up, gathers his things, goes away and leaves the book with me. I dissociated at the beginning of the case, but after a while came the library collecting books. Bah, you have believed that the book has slut was I is not important. What bothers me is the passivity of the people.
I can not really understand why I can not paraded through someone's head to be passed by lining the minimum standards of living. Quico, if you learn better buy yourself a book highlighting text, or make photocopies, but we do not fuck with the lives of others.
I consider myself tolerant educated and, above all, know that I am a patient person.
But there are things I can not.
18.41 in the library of the faculty. Full (for testing). To my right a guy up from the table, goes to the shelves after four minutes back with a hardcover book. It creaks open and the book, brand new.
I swear, not even ten minutes passed and the guy was stressing the book's pages with his masticadísimo Bic. The mother that bore him, I thought. I raised my head for another witness to such savagery. Nothing, everyone seemed to be focused. A girl at the back of the room and looked at me immediately looked away to refocus on your laptop.
worst came later, when having nasty five pages without the slightest shame, the kid gets up, gathers his things, goes away and leaves the book with me. I dissociated at the beginning of the case, but after a while came the library collecting books. Bah, you have believed that the book has slut was I is not important. What bothers me is the passivity of the people.
I can not really understand why I can not paraded through someone's head to be passed by lining the minimum standards of living. Quico, if you learn better buy yourself a book highlighting text, or make photocopies, but we do not fuck with the lives of others.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Dragonball Z Douji Bulma X Vegeta
I have attended five or six readings and thesis. Although not much to do with each other, I have drawn some analogies in their development.
1. We got to the room. We are leaving for the tribunal is formed. Enter the doctor, we back, start the function. I Sobo you back, your Doras me the pill, we are interesting and everybody seriously, we're in a reading of the thesis.
2. Sounds a mobile. Always. There is often a problem with Power Point.
3. After exposure of the defender of the thesis, turn to the court. Standard phrases:
4. After the turn of the tribunal, says the new director and the doctoral student. Thanks, half-smiles, re-explanation of what is explained and applause.
5. Please leave the room while the court evaluates the thesis. Usually so sure of successful doctoral students and tutors often have laughter, pictures and congratulations during the wait.
6. It was announced that the decision has been taken, it re-enters the room and the rating is made public. The latter point I have never attended, I assume they have all been approved.
7. I think after the tradition that the defender of the thesis calls for a glass of wine and nibbles to the director and the court.
I have attended five or six readings and thesis. Although not much to do with each other, I have drawn some analogies in their development.
1. We got to the room. We are leaving for the tribunal is formed. Enter the doctor, we back, start the function. I Sobo you back, your Doras me the pill, we are interesting and everybody seriously, we're in a reading of the thesis.
2. Sounds a mobile. Always. There is often a problem with Power Point.
3. After exposure of the defender of the thesis, turn to the court. Standard phrases:
- Floor
- see many theses presented and sometimes I get the feeling that they are not showing anything, not go further. Theirs however, blablabla
- I congratulate you, but although not very common, I also congratulate her supervisor, blablabla
- not believe me that the thesis is the end of the road, now you have to maintain that capacity research, to blablabla
- Honestly, it is nice to read a well written thesis. Today it is difficult to find a writing style so clear and clean, so I congratulate you.
- The text implies an immense / colossal / unlikely
- and others. In
4. After the turn of the tribunal, says the new director and the doctoral student. Thanks, half-smiles, re-explanation of what is explained and applause.
5. Please leave the room while the court evaluates the thesis. Usually so sure of successful doctoral students and tutors often have laughter, pictures and congratulations during the wait.
6. It was announced that the decision has been taken, it re-enters the room and the rating is made public. The latter point I have never attended, I assume they have all been approved.
7. I think after the tradition that the defender of the thesis calls for a glass of wine and nibbles to the director and the court.
Friday, January 16, 2009
6.4 Diabetes Levels Normal
To return back ... In 2009
As I chiva Google Analytics, you are a few who read this sorry blog from time to time. Although little discussed, I think it is my responsibility to maintain some regularity at the time of posting ( this story and it sounds ).
If I'm honest, I must say that I have you not much into account, there to write more to vent, to kill time or to procastinar . The truth is that in the last month and a half I'm making good progress with the dissertation and therefore do not update this travelogue. Shame on me, because for other things if I find time, live facebook.
promise I will not post more, as I have done before. Because I do not think you are doing. Yes I promise, however, make this blog minimally helpful, not so focused on me, I'm a mediocrity with no history or future, but in the doctorate itself.
In the next chapter we an interesting issue: the courts of the thesis.
As I chiva Google Analytics, you are a few who read this sorry blog from time to time. Although little discussed, I think it is my responsibility to maintain some regularity at the time of posting ( this story and it sounds ).
If I'm honest, I must say that I have you not much into account, there to write more to vent, to kill time or to procastinar . The truth is that in the last month and a half I'm making good progress with the dissertation and therefore do not update this travelogue. Shame on me, because for other things if I find time, live facebook.
promise I will not post more, as I have done before. Because I do not think you are doing. Yes I promise, however, make this blog minimally helpful, not so focused on me, I'm a mediocrity with no history or future, but in the doctorate itself.
In the next chapter we an interesting issue: the courts of the thesis.
Monday, January 5, 2009
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