Monday, November 24, 2008

Brent Everett Y Brent Corrigan.


As long as one does not work you can think a thousand things. A recurring in my life is put to calculate hours. The soon to make such a day when Easter occurred. Well, this afternoon gave me there, following the reading of one of the links that I have on my right and the fact that, finally, I am enrolled to do the research. Price of the doctors speak another day, if you want.

As I was saying. I have registered. 12 credits, of which 4
they are dedicated (in theory) work itself. Taking into account the foreign exchange market, the ECTS and such, I get that I have to spend (in theory, again) 400 hours per subject.
(* correction, not 4, but I spend 8 credits (in theory, of course) to the research.)

Bah, I thought. And I figured.

face it already, is to wake up. I get up every day at 8 to go to work. 9 to 17 am in the research group (lately we liadísimos), 17 to 19 kinds of languages \u200b\u200band the 19 ... "Thesis?

Since last week I spend 2 hours daily (from 19 to 21) to the dissertation. 2 hours a day is enough, but I have no time. Being a bit optimistic to expect that I will work about 18 days a month in the dissertation. It is no madness. Monday to Thursday each week and every other Friday.

But two hours a day (36 month), reaching 400 hours of the thesis is, Beckham lives impossible. Three hours a day would be a commitment of 134 days about seven months and a half, starting in December, would put an end to work in summer, a few days before July.

And I've made, ciborium. Where do I sign? I think too little. Three hours a day for 18 days a month ... I do not know. For now I'll keep that pace, keep the two hours in the afternoon / night and try to steal a work, you can always do. Also, now is a quieter time. If I see a couple of months the thing does not move forward, bring out the calculator again.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Canine Bowel Incontinence Arthritis

October 2008 October 2007

A couple of posts talking about how it has changed my life in a year. Today, while returning home I thought I made progress academically.

In a year that I have a doctorate,

- have completed the courses. It seems silly but it is necessary to begin the research.
- I have thesis topics (dissertation) and director. It also may seem obvious, but it is not so, is a big step and I have been a relief.
- I attended two meetings with other doctoral students. I'm pretty proud of this point. A national day and two weeks of Summer School at the international level. To be honest, not stressed in either, but rather quite the opposite; I tried to go unnoticed, but I believe that participating in these events is necessary. The sooner the better, too.
- I have two jobs to "stand by" pending approval from two separate teachers to send to a conference / journal. Hope is the last thing you lose, you know.
- I got a job in the research group and I am actively involved in some projects. One of them even allowed me to travel abroad with all expenses paid.

But all is not rosy, of course. Some cons:

- I have not been able to develop a in a position paper, an enviable publication.
- I have not made a media in a conference, something other doctoral students in my class have made themselves.
- the work is good, but it takes a long time. I am dedicating half an hour a day to my dissertation. That is, no doubt, too little time to finish the thesis in four years.
- I asked for a scholarship and not granted me. Do not have an average outstanding career is difficult to load weight. Having fellowship to carry out the thesis is a privilege, let it clear. A privilege poorly paid, but could spend 8 hours a day to our own research and be able to begin teaching at the university is a considerable advantage compared to other doctoral students like me.

not believe my year as brilliant. Nor is there anything remarkable, but at least I have reason to believe that this can come to fruition. I take much hold the status of other colleagues, that the courses passed, have no fellowship, or afraid, or college work and must weekends currar putting cups to pay for his dream, his thesis.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sip Sur Sony Ericsson W595


There are times that the pace picked up, no effort is required to sit, concentrate and make the days pass slowly, steadily .. with results. One goes to bed feeling accomplished and moving slowly.

There are other, in which out of habit, laziness, illness, women, sun or other distractions, you do not give a stick to water. And the days fly by without pause ... no results.

Finally, the era in which I am now. Do not stop working (in the research group, NOT in my thesis.) The weeks go by without me noticing, and just think how hard it will pick up the pace when you return to the thesis.

On the other hand is a bit unfortunate not be able to update this month and peak corner. Apologies
