to make friends, Quico.
Because, after all, for that matter, right? I have drilled the head of fellow that I repeat over and over that level curriculum, with a thousand conferences arrive as far as three. To publish and let me travel. Articles, papers, articles. The meetings are for something else.
Congresses, I suppose, were a way to generate discussion that allowed the study area grow. The talks should provide new questions, encourage critical thinking, encourage the exchange of views, to present new research and learn from the work of others. Promoting science in a nutshell.
What are they now? From what I've seen, is a social act that some come with commitment and enthusiasm others. Everyone pays to go, some are paid by the Department, other pays it-again-the illusion going. No matter if you only see or explain. Equal pay. It is as if the music fesitivales charged at the artists playing. All business.
Of 100 panels that organizers estimate that only 10 are really interesting and have a full house. In contrast, the appearance of many tables is disturbing, I've heard about some sessions I only attended the speakers. We
ready. What do we do then? So tell me, the best solution is to socialize. Make friends, professional contacts, business. What foo will publish a book? Well, take my card and talked, and I will do a chapter rather nice. What are you going to ride a magazine? Do not worry, man, you already sent a couple of articles by a fellow mine and you cite, that for granted. And
. I still seem interesting because I know more people and take the opportunity to see the world, but I understand that once you start seeing the same people and listen to the same submissions year after year it can get very boring.
luck with the week that we are through Tuesday.