*** Through an interdisciplinary group of experts, INAH initiated this research program focused on the cultural area located in upstate ***
began in Taxco, the Roundtable III Anthropological and Historical Knowledge of Guerrero
To have a deeper knowledge and cultural articles of the Nahua-Chontal region, located in the "province of silver" ie in the northern state of Guerrero, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) implemented the Social Anthropology Integrated Project, which will run over three years by an interdisciplinary group composed of 23 specialists.
Mercadet Gloria Artis, head of the National Coordination of Anthropology, announced that this project has been divided into seven working groups, defined by a thematic line of study in academic fields of archeology, physical anthropology, history , linguistics, ethnohistory and ethnology. "This is articulated from a research problem common Chontal define what ".
As part of the opening of the Round Table III. Anthropological and Historical Knowledge of Guerrero , which takes place in Taxco from 26 to 29 August, the national coordinator said that this way you can revive and strengthen the socio-cultural knowledge of this region from pre-Hispanic times to the present .
This plan collaborating scholars from various institutions, amongst which is the INAH, Autonomous University of Guerrero, the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), the National University Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) and the Government of the State of Guerrero.
In turn, Brigida von Mentz, CIESAS researcher, said that the reason for studying the upstate region reflects the importance that represented the same in the pre-Hispanic times as in the colonial, as it was an important mining area that remained long ties to the south of what is now the State of Mexico.
"many researchers agree that this area is archaeologically very important, but it is also fundamental in the study of ethnohistory and economic history of mining and metallurgy Hispanic that was generated there, "he added.
As a result of the project are expected at the end of three years, with at least 18 publications and a host of outreach activities, cultural dissemination and training of researchers in studies Guerrero.
also expected to create more interdisciplinary working groups in promoting research in other areas of the state, as the regions of the mountains or the coast.
III The Round Table. Anthropological Knowledge and History of Guerrero, takes place from 26 to 29 August in the city of Taxco and will aim discuss about anthropological work carried out in the area and the relationship they have on social development in the state.
Among the topics to be discussed are: cultural heritage conservation, ethnobotany, intercultural education, linguistics and public policy research, production and market indigenous crafts, rituals and worldview indigenous oral tradition, among others.