Thursday, August 28, 2008

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INAH archaeological exploration in TULA

2008 field season

Among the tasks to be developed are the conservation of the Burnt Palace and the excavation of Building K, room believed to have been occupied by the Toltec
elite is also provided to conduct studies to confirm the time dating boom

Work conservation and archaeological exploration of buildings like the Palacio Quemado and Edificio K, the latter considered as the space occupied by the elite Toltec-start the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in the archaeological zone of Tula, Hidalgo state, which will join dating studies to corroborate data covering the period of peak that had the well known "City of Atlantis."

With a budget of about three million pesos, INAH specialists headed by archaeologist Robert Cobean and Luis Gamboa will work seven months in the Conservation and Research Program Maintenance Tula, considered one of the projects most important research of this entity, which provides field seasons extend from three to four years.

Thus, a group of restaurateurs will be devoted to perform conservation work called Palacio Quemado, "the name given by traces of fire found in the remains of the pre-Hispanic structure, which represents one of the top architectural complexes area, consisting of three courtyards with a series columns supporting the roofs and sidewalks decorated with reliefs depicting warriors and musicians in procession.

archaeologist Robert Cobean, reported that the intervention of the building due to the effects caused by the environment and natural phenomena such as strong rains that have affected the region. In this building built with walls of adobe and stucco floors will be a general cleaning, weeding, consolidation of masonry and sealing cracks and fissures.

All this, according to the specialist, will be implementing similar materials to those used during pre-Hispanic times, such as lime, for coating.

Archaeologist also be anticipated that the excavation of building K, which is a fundamental monumental structures of the archaeological zone consists of a huge platform over 100 feet long and 70 meters wide with large rooms consist of columns, its facade forms the boundary of the main entrance to the exhibition and includes a ladder over 15 feet high.

According to information that had the research done in the nineties, when it was excavated to 50 percent of the building, it appeared that probably functioned as a space for meetings and ceremonies of elite groups Tula, a hypothesis that is expected to check with the excavation and analysis of the materials can be located on site.

Excavation the so-called Building K will take about two years, because more than conduct research will seek to rebuild from surveys which have been made during the season of field work also expect to find background material to explain their function, "said Robert Cobean.

Another building to intervene is the Pyramid C, which was explored in 2007, revealing important evidence of the construction techniques of the cores and retaining walls. Here calls for further archaeological excavation and conservation in the preceding year.

also will continue the development of a topographic map of the new architectural-monumental structures in the main site for this specialist work will be supported by new technology to have an exact location of where the third dimension.

Regarded as "the place where he lived the king Quetzalcoatl, Tula had its peak between 900 and 1150 d. C, but with the new research is expected that this date be flown at least 50 years. "With radiocarbon studies being done at different sherds dating hope to have new development of this ancient Toltec city. "

"The basic idea is to document in greater detail, the urban development of Tula, especially the part that is in the archaeological zone, because we still have many questions to resolve on its institutions, history and culture and its importance as a great capital of an expansionist state, "said archaeologist Robert Cobean.

archaeological investigations, initiated 70 years ago confirmed that the well-known as "City of Atlantis" was one of the largest urban centers in Mesoamerica, about 16 km ². The importance of Tula, too, because there ethnohistorical data on various aspects of their history and culture: the names of kings, stories about the founding of the city, and their conquest and decadence.

Within the old city, also have identified dozens of neighborhoods with their own administrative centers and temples, so it is important, said the researcher, making a detailed diagnosis of the condition of all buildings exposed and initiate a program of consolidation and maintenance.

Cobean which will also forward inventory and documentation of the reliefs and sculptures sheltered in the cellars of the area and at the National Museum of Anthropology, as well as renewing the bonds of the site to make it more attractive to the audience and get more visitors.


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