Today I had a meeting with my boss (research group). Indeed, in the end it will be my thesis supervisor.

consider that she offered me curro mid-year when I was I Ph.D. paying my savings and thanks to the job, now I wake up every month a salary double that of the fellows.
Consider that six months ago I went to his office to ask for guidance and together choose a research topic that later appeared at a Summer School.
Consider that in the Summer School I dropped sticks everywhere so poorly constructed that was my (not yet started) thesis.
consider that this was my fault for going to the wild at a Summer School without consulting (without even!) With my director (a). Consider
I got sick of the topic and I fond of another field of study, in which a young teacher Head of Department is a specialist and future reference.
consider that because of a delay in the delivery of their course work and a nasty post-doctoral, young professor caught seems to me a little grudge.
Consider that he still preferred him to supervisor, by subject, because it goes to anyone and tip over, because it is a worker and because I like him, bucking.
Consider, finally, she probably also of a professor, will be a perfect " passive director."
That said, I say (to encourage me, mostly) that
1. The thesis does not write the director, passive or active, but me.
2. What if at this stage did not have a theme chosen is because I have no clear vocation to investigate something concrete, then finally I'm good, as long as I find interesting. Falling in love with the thesis that writing is difficult.
3. That if my head still happens to me in the future, I have the possibility (very fashionable in the department lately) to request another teacher who is a guardian (or assistant principal, not as would be called).
and decree, which by my nose, today September 22, 2008 I start working on my thesis, the first part (dissertation) intend to complete within a maximum period of one year.
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