As long as one does not work you can think a thousand things. A recurring in my life is put to calculate hours. The soon to make such a day when Easter occurred. Well, this afternoon gave me there, following the reading of one of the links that I have on my right and the fact that, finally, I am enrolled to do the research. Price of the doctors speak another day, if you want.
As I was saying. I have registered. 12 credits, of which 4 they are dedicated (in theory) work itself. Taking into account the foreign exchange market, the ECTS and such, I get that I have to spend (in theory, again) 400 hours per subject.
(* correction, not 4, but I spend 8 credits (in theory, of course) to the research.)
Bah, I thought. And I figured.
face it already, is to wake up. I get up every day at 8 to go to work. 9 to 17 am in the research group (lately we liadÃsimos), 17 to 19 kinds of languages \u200b\u200band the 19 ... "Thesis?

Since last week I spend 2 hours daily (from 19 to 21) to the dissertation. 2 hours a day is enough, but I have no time. Being a bit optimistic to expect that I will work about 18 days a month in the dissertation. It is no madness. Monday to Thursday each week and every other Friday.
But two hours a day (36 month), reaching 400 hours of the thesis is, Beckham lives impossible. Three hours a day would be a commitment of 134 days about seven months and a half, starting in December, would put an end to work in summer, a few days before July.
And I've made, ciborium. Where do I sign? I think too little. Three hours a day for 18 days a month ... I do not know. For now I'll keep that pace, keep the two hours in the afternoon / night and try to steal a work, you can always do. Also, now is a quieter time. If I see a couple of months the thing does not move forward, bring out the calculator again.
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