Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tonsils Keep Getting Infected

2011 Predoctoral and postdoctoral short

As always, if a graduate or Latin American doctor is interested in our work contact juanp. In this blog you can find our lines of work:

are doctoral scholarships or short stays Foundation postdoctoral Carolina ... and its requirements.

Http:// asp? Id_Programa = 2355

To be considered eligible for predoctoral fellow of the FundaciĆ³n Carolina must meet the following requirements:
- A citizen of one of the countries of the South American Community of Nations.
- Hold a degree or engineer.
- Being a teacher of career or plant, or administrative personnel of a Latin American university, and presented or sponsored by it, certified institutional commitment to return upon completion of doctoral studies.
- Achieve the curricular requirements of excellence and expertise.
- Meet the legal or contractual requirements established by the home university and by the FundaciĆ³n Carolina.
- Having a letter of acceptance to the Ph.D. or Masters program officer is associated with a Ph.D. from a English university. In this case, it is imperative that the letter of acceptance to the Master Course List the title of doctoral acccess.
- Do not be a resident in Spain.
- have not started a PhD in Spain.

general page of this call for other types of scholarships


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