One element that has become very popular in our country both in the theses and PhD, is the requirement of specific hypotheses dominated. But why put in a thesis that these assumptions?.
The truth is I did a fairly exhaustive search of the literature on methodology of scientific research worldwide, both virtual libraries, and direct access to libraries and newspaper archives, and the result is has no theoretical basis or scientific hacidero. But then, some colleges require specific assumptions, is an element which I have no hypothesis, apparently someone without knowing much research and without knowledge of study designs, and perhaps with some authority or some popularity in some e-graduate the country, came up with this mythical idea.
In my humble opinion there are only two types of hypotheses:
- the alternative hypothesis, whose synonyms are alternative hypothesis or research.
- the null hypothesis, called also statistical hypothesis, which is the hypothesis to be tested to the investigation, after rejecting or accepting it comproborá or not the research hypothesis. However as we know POSE exister error error 1 and type 2 (alpha and beta).
I hope their views
Dr. Calderón Saldaña Jully Pahola
Postgraduate Teaching Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
Managing Editor of the journal Health, Sexuality and Society " INPPARES
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