Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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One of the most controversial research in Peru, is consistency between teachers, counselors and judges, regarding the methodological components research. When a thesis student thesis work your plan, from the first cycles of the university, found that in each cycle adds new knowledge to the structuring of future investigations, the problem is that many of these new findings are contradictory.

Yes is that the university maintaining the same teaching methodology and theory from the beginning to the end of the master's or doctoral degree, is likely to ensure continuity and the participant meets a certain epistemological and methodological school, and therefore able to complete his thesis.

The problem happens when every teacher in each cycle methodology is changed, there is no continuity, it's like a coup every cycle, so it is likely that at the end of the doctoral or master's degree, not even have the project completed, each teacher and will derail criticize other's work, simply repeat the thesis course, emphasizing only what he knows, and often spend months reviewing the theoretical framework, which is a fundamental element for a project, but lack of strength and importance in a thesis, because this will be a new contribution to knowledge or theoretical framework of the science.

Suppose that the same teacher two years working with students, and concludes the thesis (not the project) at the end of two years of study, once the consultant is chosen, it is often derail the work of teaching methodology, then once the advisor approves the project and gives pass to the thesis, often choose a statistician to perform this part, which in most cases has very little experience research.

Once given passes to the thesis, and jurors are elected, these members tend to work again tesista criticize, criticizing, smashing the consultant's work, and in many cases contradicting the President, with the Secretary and the Vocal, this really is not 5 or 7 jurors, as it is in some universities. Now if the thesis student has self-esteem and strong enough, in addition to all the methodological, statistical and theoretical, will finally graduate.

Truth in many universities, the most prestigious in the world this happens, it tesistas graduate in no more than 30 days from submission of the thesis, to date of support.

This gentlemen, is not counting administrative delays, delays protocol, the inexperience of many graduate schools, rejection of work for lack of documents in the files and delays in payments. This causes a delay tesista one to three years in the graduation process, even more time, more time as the master's and doctoral study.

Finally, if this does not change we will continue with serious problems, and will remain the country with the largest number of master's graduates and Ph.D. in Latin America, but with the least amount of graduates.

This is to reflect and find an immediate solution, or our graduate programs fail

Jully Pahola Dr. Calderón Saldaña
Graduate Teaching UNFV
Managing Editor of the Journal
Health, Sexuality and Society INPPARES
IBSN: Internet Blog Serial Number 02-21-04-1972


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