Monday, April 4, 2011

Silveradoss427 Engine


We have the melons in the field of CIFE de Torre Pacheco. Have worked on the plantation Ricardo Galvez, Plácido Varó, Juan Ramon Merlos, an employee of CIFE Lorca and two operators. From UPCT also been giving the PhD students callus Noel dos Santos, Mercedes A. García Gutiérrez and Libya Chaparro Torres, students and Rocio Martinez Crespo Pablo Alcaraz and Professor Juan Pablo Fernández Trujillo. The plantation consists of pre and land development, irrigation and placement of padding made in the CIFE. The plants were 48 days in the nursery, but with 41 days could have been planted. When planting is done:
- Mark of the grid strips UPCT previously marked in the map based on partially randomized.
- Location and placement of plant boundary line (side lines, head and tail of planting).
- Elimination by the operators responsible for planting the land on plastic mulch.
- Deposit plant plastic over the holes (At 0.5 m each) and under 1.5 m between plants and 2 m between rows of plants in alveoli from Seed The Jimenado (including our border line). To facilitate the test is left between blocks of 3 plants in each row are a replica 3 m (not the 1.5 standard.) The border line (in our case the cv. Syngenta hybrid 'Nicholas' goes with continuous plant to 1.5 m between plants.
- Planting ground itself subsequently verifying that all plants have been properly buried and nothing missing. Addendum land necessary for the seedling.
- Placement of thermal blanket quite close to the ground, in this case manually and soil fixation discharged with a hoe on the same staggered in each row to reduce the effects of wind. At the same time a person is withdrawn after placing the tablets and be clear about the final location of the blanket, again nailing vertically in place all the same orientation. In our case at 12 o'clock a strong wind moved in the area.
- Confirmation of placement of the tablets according to the plane of the plantation.
- Carried to excess plant emissions and whether to make replanting (which rarely go more than 10 days, so you should check if there is a failure soon.) In this instance Professor Juan Esteva moved the plant in our greenhouse Experimental Station Thomas Ferro in La Palma (UPCT) where we had another day after planting for a parallel experience.

In future weeks will be removed from the land that remains firm padding to facilitate the growth of the melon, and endowed with a good root system. This root system will be considered in excess seedlings to assess possible presence of Fusarium sp. or lack of strength or development.
must Quartermaster some work as this campaign is doing enough heat and dehydration is not healthy. Down the final picture of the plantation with placement of thermal blanket.

Pictured left Plácido Varó (director of CIFE) and Ricardo Galvez (engineer who takes the test), both template the Ministry of Agriculture, who do a fantastic job for our test engineering.

The last photo shows the system to place the roll of thermal blanket (Ricardo Galvez and Pablo Crespo upon him) while shooting two people to place the same on each 'row. In head is where the rug is cut from the roll as desired. The opposite end is fixed to the ground well grounded.

Updated April 7, 2011. 23:20 pm


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