Wednesday, September 24, 2008

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How to write a thesis ...

a working day in the thesis:

begin to make something of literature, so low to the library and grab three books. From way out in one of the cars, I find this:

is not the first time I saw him. In fact, had once cast a glance at any chapter, but I admit that despite having one year enrolled as a doctoral student, had not yet read. Total

, I'll take it along with the other three. Failure or success, do not know. The fact is that these days my productivity has been at fault = zero.

last night until 3 am reading. And today, anyway. Not that this is the best book that has passed through my hands, but do not understand how I had stopped by to read it, is entertaining and very basic if it is to write a thesis in the field of humanities / social science.

I liked a phrase that has to do with what I said yesterday:

is not so important the subject of the thesis and work experience that entails.
Umberto Eco, How to do a thesis .-

guess it's a good way to start the dissertation. Tomorrow if I take a while still counting the Summer School ...

Monday, September 22, 2008

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And finally, it.

Today I had a meeting with my boss (research group). Indeed, in the end it will be my thesis supervisor.


consider that she offered me curro mid-year when I was I Ph.D. paying my savings and thanks to the job, now I wake up every month a salary double that of the fellows.
Consider that six months ago I went to his office to ask for guidance and together choose a research topic that later appeared at a Summer School.
Consider that in the Summer School I dropped sticks everywhere so poorly constructed that was my (not yet started) thesis.
consider that this was my fault for going to the wild at a Summer School without consulting (without even!) With my director (a). Consider
I got sick of the topic and I fond of another field of study, in which a young teacher Head of Department is a specialist and future reference.
consider that because of a delay in the delivery of their course work and a nasty post-doctoral, young professor caught seems to me a little grudge.
Consider that he still preferred him to supervisor, by subject, because it goes to anyone and tip over, because it is a worker and because I like him, bucking.
Consider, finally, she probably also of a professor, will be a perfect " passive director."


That said, I say (to encourage me, mostly) that

1. The thesis does not write the director, passive or active, but me.
2. What if at this stage did not have a theme chosen is because I have no clear vocation to investigate something concrete, then finally I'm good, as long as I find interesting. Falling in love with the thesis that writing is difficult.
3. That if my head still happens to me in the future, I have the possibility (very fashionable in the department lately) to request another teacher who is a guardian (or assistant principal, not as would be called).

and decree, which by my nose, today September 22, 2008 I start working on my thesis, the first part (dissertation) intend to complete within a maximum period of one year.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

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mental note to keep in mind for the future.

The deadlines are to be kept.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

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Discovery of the mummy of Lady of the Mask in Lima

Peruvian archaeologists discovered the funerary remains intact from a woman mask and a child sacrificed Wari culture, about 1,300 years ago, in an excavation carried out in an archaeological site in the area urban Lima.

"It is a multiple grave in which were found intact three funeral bundles, one has an impressive mask with human characteristics of a woman," he told AFP archaeologist Isabel Flores, who directs the work at the Huaca Pucllana in a central district of Miraflores.

Researcher explained that members of this culture placed a mask on the front of the skull in the ritual burial bundle as noble female character buried.

"is a woman because we found around and instrumental offerings as a textile weaver" , said the scholar after indicating that it is normal for the burial remains of children because they were offered to accompany the adults.

"The Lady of the Mask" , as it has been dubbed, is the first tomb found intact Wari Huaca Pucllana in Lima.

"It is an important finding found in tombs Huaquan several years (dropped) but not in intact, "said Flores.

The discovery was made the first week of August in the fifth platform where archaeological research conducted 24 years .

As part of the discovery were also found remains of pottery and textiles.

The wari buried their dead within bundles of ropes made of vegetable fiber that filled with leaves to protect the body and adorned in sometimes with funerary masks, said the newspaper El Comercio reported that discovery.

The pre-Inca Wari culture developed between the years 700 and 1000 AD in the South Andean department of Ayacucho, and continued until reaching the central coast in the departments of Lima and Ica, and Cajamarca in the north.

The Huaca Pucllana is considered one of the most important pre-Columbian ceremonial and administrative center of Lima.