Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Nj Hot Gay Cruising Spots


One of the most controversial research in Peru, is consistency between teachers, counselors and judges, regarding the methodological components research. When a thesis student thesis work your plan, from the first cycles of the university, found that in each cycle adds new knowledge to the structuring of future investigations, the problem is that many of these new findings are contradictory.

Yes is that the university maintaining the same teaching methodology and theory from the beginning to the end of the master's or doctoral degree, is likely to ensure continuity and the participant meets a certain epistemological and methodological school, and therefore able to complete his thesis.

The problem happens when every teacher in each cycle methodology is changed, there is no continuity, it's like a coup every cycle, so it is likely that at the end of the doctoral or master's degree, not even have the project completed, each teacher and will derail criticize other's work, simply repeat the thesis course, emphasizing only what he knows, and often spend months reviewing the theoretical framework, which is a fundamental element for a project, but lack of strength and importance in a thesis, because this will be a new contribution to knowledge or theoretical framework of the science.

Suppose that the same teacher two years working with students, and concludes the thesis (not the project) at the end of two years of study, once the consultant is chosen, it is often derail the work of teaching methodology, then once the advisor approves the project and gives pass to the thesis, often choose a statistician to perform this part, which in most cases has very little experience research.

Once given passes to the thesis, and jurors are elected, these members tend to work again tesista criticize, criticizing, smashing the consultant's work, and in many cases contradicting the President, with the Secretary and the Vocal, this really is not 5 or 7 jurors, as it is in some universities. Now if the thesis student has self-esteem and strong enough, in addition to all the methodological, statistical and theoretical, will finally graduate.

Truth in many universities, the most prestigious in the world this happens, it tesistas graduate in no more than 30 days from submission of the thesis, to date of support.

This gentlemen, is not counting administrative delays, delays protocol, the inexperience of many graduate schools, rejection of work for lack of documents in the files and delays in payments. This causes a delay tesista one to three years in the graduation process, even more time, more time as the master's and doctoral study.

Finally, if this does not change we will continue with serious problems, and will remain the country with the largest number of master's graduates and Ph.D. in Latin America, but with the least amount of graduates.

This is to reflect and find an immediate solution, or our graduate programs fail

Jully Pahola Dr. Calderón Saldaña
Graduate Teaching UNFV
Managing Editor of the Journal
Health, Sexuality and Society INPPARES
IBSN: Internet Blog Serial Number 02-21-04-1972

12 Square Recessed Lighting



Do not know what, but I noticed that most of the thesis advisors and jurors tend to be very demanding to advise or evaluate research that is going to become thesis either master's or doctorate.

I have given you the task of revising the master's and doctoral theses, several of the most demanding connoisseurs of scientific research methodology, and are also taught in theory courses, and I've noticed with surprise have encountered several methodological errors insurance thick, they themselves do not accept the thesis that judge or reviewing today.

Remember that in many cases, the master's thesis is the first research experience of many professionals, and the second thesis (due to the degree courses and proficiency test mode). Yes, custom or habit of research in our country is scarce, is more limited the recall bias, hardly anyone remembers the methodological blunders we made in our view, the blind obedience to the jury despite being wrong in some sometimes coupled with our inexperience in our view, causes a relatively large contribution, but lacking any property of generalization and extrapolation of results.

know that jurors and assessors are so demanding and meticulous with the work reviewed, simply by a process of imitation: If you took me effort, also advised it will cost. If I took a lot, the same delay, but I made mistakes, not commit, and this is contradictory. As a result, many graduates of master's and doctoral graduates are left alone and in many cases, never graduate.

When an adviser or jury is demanding, ask the brink of an investigation to prove we PAHO, World Bank, IDB, with delicacies from perfect wording, which often takes months and even years for review and supporting, let us time of going to the library, and review them, and we realize that things you never did ask. Doctors are the worst if they want the master thesis should be evaluating the doctoral level, thankfully we have many PHDs in our country, but graduation would be impossible.

Dr. Luis Alzamora of Goths
UNFV Doctoral Teaching and U. Alas Peruanas
IBSN: Internet Blog Serial Number 02-20-09-1973

Making A Rat Playground

Zas! Across the mouth

The other day a friend sent me this . A Decalogue of how not write a thesis.

For doctoral like me is a open hand slap. If I have not discounted, I think I fulfill three requirements of how not to do doctoral work. "But what is this?!

My morale was at rock, "I am no good for this," "If I knew that such", etc..

But, stop! Look at some of the pearls that we spent Tara Brabazon . Or rather, I know a little more depth to Tara Brabazon.

Tara Brabazon's professional half Interests include education, creative industries and popular cultural studies. Her passions Are loud dance music, Rickenbacker guitars, cold and hot designs writing

Arrea! So between their professional interests are Rickenbacker guitars! What rigor! Go to its website, which I quite curious ...

An award winning teacher, Tara Teaches students-through from first year to doctoral supervision. She has Written and edited eleven books ...

"Award winning teacher, darling! And do not say anything about his list of awards and distinctions . If you have listings to the Mathematics award certificates of his time in college. Wait, I'm going to a hat to remove it.

Let's see what we have to say about the academic sobriety nominated for "Australian of the year in the UK" (true story!):

I took three PhDs: One Was too big, One Was Too small, one WAS just right. Put another way, one WAS as close to a fail as i have ever discussed; one pass But rewriting required to Strengthen the argument, and the last remind me why it is Such a pleasure to Be an academic.

thesis addresses three (three!) At a time. An exercise only for a superwoman like her. And let's not lose sight of his first sentence: one was very large another very small and one was ideal. Hmm ... but what on what basis? "Changes? "References? Does it show? It is not clear. In any case I do not think big vs. small to be concise and correct adjectives to evaluate a PhD.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sweater Diagram Generator

The effect Menéame "

appears that the history of every blog should be a day when you suffer the called "Digg Effect" . The house he lived in June and I've heard just a few minutes while snoop around Google Analytics.

The average daily visits to this Blog is about 5 or 6. The rose 16/09 to 150. The reason: someone suggested one of my posts on the front page of recommendations and voilà.

post is the more "controversial" I have written and certainly the most points had to be misunderstood: The flute sounded. Was one in which I announced that I had accepted an abstract for an international conference in summer. One commentator criticized me he had the nerve to submit an abstract without having carried out previous research. Not without reason, of course. That

already explained at the time and now I see that on the glory of this blog was because of this misunderstanding. The truth is that I would have preferred "premiere" with something more funny, useful or interesting, but it works well. You become famous when the loose fatter. I'm sure if dirty capsized here that I'm finding by the faculty would have more monitoring, but it's not that my goal.

In any case, thanks to the people that follow through here. I hope to bring good news soon.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Where To Get A Dildo At 13

Master's and PhD


Thesis consultancies, are a problem important in Peru. Perhaps

4 hours, are sufficient to advise a thesis student. Yes in our country extraordinary things happen, for example for a thesis advisor the amount paid by the university for a tutor either a master or doctoral thesis is equivalent to 50 U.S. Dollars in some universities up to 150 dollars in the best pay.

This includes the work that the consultant should do to guide the thesis student in the conduct of its argument, assuming the prestige, commitment and dedication that it must provide for the potential Master or Doctor. The question arises then how to 4 hours of work, equivalent to one hour a week, we have a quality thesis?. The answer is that you just can not get anything of quality.

thesis adviser makes the best effort, but despite this has serious problems to properly guide the thesis student. Universidad Peruana apparently does not value the advice of research effort, and therefore does not assess the quality of the theses, which are usually doomed to oblivion in a room of the university library without being promoted for publication. Or is it that you know beforehand that the little effort and low value given that the university gives the thesis student and the thesis is limited, not to say no.

are expected not only the evaluation of work of the consultants is adequate, but that this put the best interest and effort in working with all the dedication and efficiency to get a quality thesis, which is published in both national and international environment.

Dr. Luis Alzamora of Goths
PhD Professor of Alas Peruanas University
Master Teachers of the Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
IBSN: Internet Blog Serial Number 01-20-09-1973

Authors http://conasin.web.officelive.com/

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cocoa Butter Remove Spots

the falsity of specific hypotheses

the falsity of specific hypotheses, AN ABSURD IN THE GRADUATE GENERALIZED

One element that has become very popular in our country both in the theses and PhD, is the requirement of specific hypotheses dominated. But why put in a thesis that these assumptions?.

The truth is I did a fairly exhaustive search of the literature on methodology of scientific research worldwide, both virtual libraries, and direct access to libraries and newspaper archives, and the result is has no theoretical basis or scientific hacidero. But then, some colleges require specific assumptions, is an element which I have no hypothesis, apparently someone without knowing much research and without knowledge of study designs, and perhaps with some authority or some popularity in some e-graduate the country, came up with this mythical idea.

In my humble opinion there are only two types of hypotheses:

  1. the alternative hypothesis, whose synonyms are alternative hypothesis or research.
  2. the null hypothesis, called also statistical hypothesis, which is the hypothesis to be tested to the investigation, after rejecting or accepting it comproborá or not the research hypothesis. However as we know POSE exister error error 1 and type 2 (alpha and beta).
This approach to the alleged specific hypotheses I think trying to find a hypothesis for each of the specific objectives and this is inconsistent with the methodology of scientific research, that all the specific objectives are descriptive, to be objective operational are constructed through the indicators and / or sub-variables, and as we know no assumptions can be descriptive problem, so no sense its approach.

I hope their views

Dr. Calderón Saldaña Jully Pahola
Postgraduate Teaching Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
Managing Editor of the journal Health, Sexuality and Society " INPPARES


IBSN: Internet Blog Serial Number 01-21-04-1972