Physical Anthropology
The physical anthropology is a branch of anthropology that aims to study the interactions of biological and social processes and their effects on human races, they understood not only as objects of essentially biological nature, but as the terrain of biosocial interaction, which implies a knowledge of both areas, but none of them reduced.
The term "physical anthropology" has been replaced by that of biological anthropology , which qualitatively describes an instance superior. This name has been deprecated, as well as the differentiation between human races, phrenology and some other methods and classifications used by it.
The physical anthropology at a time is divided into different branches : Forensic
- Primatology
- Osteology
- somatology
- Ontogeny Paleoanthropology, studying human evolution and their fossil ancestors. Paleopathology
- Genetic Anthropology Human Ecology
why the physical anthropology can not be equated with biology or social sciences, despite taking both methods and techniques. The emphasis on biologist position has led to physical anthropologists to what has been called for several years in human biology, and on the other hand, cutting strict social studies. Both extremes are not synonymous with physical anthropology. Studies man in his physical-biological aspect.
subdiscipline of physical anthropology
Forensic Forensic Anthropology is the application of the science of physical or biological anthropology antropoligía to the legal process. is an applied form of physical anthropology, which deals directly with the identification mortuary while we can say that reconstructs the circumstances of death, equivalent to the reconstruction of antemortem biological biography of the individual, for the purpose of establish how was the lifestyle of the victim before his death, his illness and professional habits. This procedure is also known as osteo-biography.
can be defined as the section of the discipline that studies the bones and its application in the sociobiológica.y as how to study the bones are determined and regional levels.
is the study of human body and the relationships it establishes with the environment and culture. well as the structure of man and his difrentes types of environment where the man lived and MCPR
VAHO Ontogeny Studied the chemical changes, physical and neurological experience any organism from the moment it is conceived until it dies.
paleoanthropology is the branch of biological anthropology is the study of human evolution and their fossil ancestors, in other words of ancient hominids.
Paleopathology is the science that studies the diseases suffered by people or animals in antiquity, through the traces found in the bones, poop and vicinity where there are such remnants.
Genetic Anthropology
is defined as the application of molecular techniques to understand hominid evolution, including human, relating them to other non-human creatures.
Human Ecology
can be defined as the matter affects the entire world in the biological study of the physical relationship between man and the environment in which it develops.
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