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What is anthropology?
By: Erika GuzmánUniversidad de Los Andes (Colombia)
I intend to write only of anthropology, as this is my career but I'm sure that happens same with other social sciences. When they reach high school students to the Department of Anthropology at the University of the Andes your knowledge of this discipline usually refers to the typical programs Discovery Channel or National Geographic. This is not wrong nor am I trying to diminishing the quality of these international channels. Only when the student "college" think an anthropologist imagines a superhero or a billionaire browser can spend his fortune on travel to Egypt. Therefore several reviews of these students are like this: "I want to study anthropology to help people" or "I want to do justice to the treatment of the Indians" or "I want to major in Egyptology" and is that no anthropology program Bogota is a matter on Egyptology and the anthropologist as any other person can not save the world, but of course can help you understand how we live and why we think as we do.
Another crucial difference between these channels promise anthropology and Latin America is that archeology and anthropology are part of the curriculum indiscriminately, there is specialization and master's course in each of these areas but in undergraduate archeology can not be separated social anthropology, including ethnology, while in the U.S. and Europe are different races. This is because that we still have a lot of indigenous communities and therefore, many archaeologists to explain the past referred to this a comparative study of societies past and present.
Apart from this, there are several historical issues in Latin America and in Colombia, which differ with those of other countries, to be taken into account so that this discipline is more responsive to the context to which it belongs. Therefore, the information should not be only that provided by international television but from the school and programs of the universities scauting could give a more "contextualized" of different races and especially the social sciences, particularly anthropology.
But the problem is not resolved there. Just as there are students who overestimate the potential of anthropology in Colombia, there are those who say that although her favorite class is the social science does not "see the future" to this race because we do not appreciate that "or" because I have to win to live on. " The idea that anthropology produces knowledge not "valid" and therefore, this is not taken into account not only college students but also of many undergraduates, excluding the opinion of people who study or who graduated from a "hard" science. Anthropology can not be the highest-paid career, it is true, but the knowledge generated has led to engineers, economists and business managers to include it in their daily work. One of the tasks currently in the anthropologist's inroads in the market research, for example, identifying eating habits. This has contributed in the area of \u200b\u200bmarketing. Likewise, quantitative assessments of the impact of mega projects (such as major infrastructure such as bridges, roads, malls, ecotourism) are carried out by anthropologists who, through research are the ability to highlight social processes that explain the result obtained. Another important field where not previously thought it was important anthropological contribution is in medicine (medical anthropology), in which the anthropologist realizes medical practices and in general, the relationship between doctor and patient among Western medical knowledge and other ways of understanding health and disease. Thus, the anthropologist question all the behaviors, attitudes and feelings that seem "natural" and proper to the human condition and well documented, explain and understand other ways of living to which they are accustomed.
The social challenge of these races is great because they must spread the power that gives them understand life as a set of relationships that generates specific ways of thinking, different worldviews and different meanings and significance to human existence. Since all human activity is social in what field would not work in anthropology? Written by anthropological
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