I have an index! (Range, that is).

is not so important the subject of the thesis and work experience that entails.guess it's a good way to start the dissertation. Tomorrow if I take a while still counting the Summer School ...
Umberto Eco, How to do a thesis .-
Peruvian archaeologists discovered the funerary remains intact from a woman mask and a child sacrificed Wari culture, about 1,300 years ago, in an excavation carried out in an archaeological site in the area urban Lima.
"It is a multiple grave in which were found intact three funeral bundles, one has an impressive mask with human characteristics of a woman," he told AFP archaeologist Isabel Flores, who directs the work at the Huaca Pucllana in a central district of Miraflores.
Researcher explained that members of this culture placed a mask on the front of the skull in the ritual burial bundle as noble female character buried.
"is a woman because we found around and instrumental offerings as a textile weaver" , said the scholar after indicating that it is normal for the burial remains of children because they were offered to accompany the adults.
"The Lady of the Mask" , as it has been dubbed, is the first tomb found intact Wari Huaca Pucllana in Lima.
"It is an important finding found in tombs Huaquan several years (dropped) but not in intact, "said Flores.
The discovery was made the first week of August in the fifth platform where archaeological research conducted 24 years .
As part of the discovery were also found remains of pottery and textiles.
The wari buried their dead within bundles of ropes made of vegetable fiber that filled with leaves to protect the body and adorned in sometimes with funerary masks, said the newspaper El Comercio reported that discovery.
The pre-Inca Wari culture developed between the years 700 and 1000 AD in the South Andean department of Ayacucho, and continued until reaching the central coast in the departments of Lima and Ica, and Cajamarca in the north.
The Huaca Pucllana is considered one of the most important pre-Columbian ceremonial and administrative center of Lima.
*** Through an interdisciplinary group of experts, INAH initiated this research program focused on the cultural area located in upstate ***
began in Taxco, the Roundtable III Anthropological and Historical Knowledge of Guerrero
To have a deeper knowledge and cultural articles of the Nahua-Chontal region, located in the "province of silver" ie in the northern state of Guerrero, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) implemented the Social Anthropology Integrated Project, which will run over three years by an interdisciplinary group composed of 23 specialists.
Mercadet Gloria Artis, head of the National Coordination of Anthropology, announced that this project has been divided into seven working groups, defined by a thematic line of study in academic fields of archeology, physical anthropology, history , linguistics, ethnohistory and ethnology. "This is articulated from a research problem common Chontal define what ".
As part of the opening of the Round Table III. Anthropological and Historical Knowledge of Guerrero , which takes place in Taxco from 26 to 29 August, the national coordinator said that this way you can revive and strengthen the socio-cultural knowledge of this region from pre-Hispanic times to the present .
This plan collaborating scholars from various institutions, amongst which is the INAH, Autonomous University of Guerrero, the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), the National University Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) and the Government of the State of Guerrero.
In turn, Brigida von Mentz, CIESAS researcher, said that the reason for studying the upstate region reflects the importance that represented the same in the pre-Hispanic times as in the colonial, as it was an important mining area that remained long ties to the south of what is now the State of Mexico.
"many researchers agree that this area is archaeologically very important, but it is also fundamental in the study of ethnohistory and economic history of mining and metallurgy Hispanic that was generated there, "he added.
As a result of the project are expected at the end of three years, with at least 18 publications and a host of outreach activities, cultural dissemination and training of researchers in studies Guerrero.
also expected to create more interdisciplinary working groups in promoting research in other areas of the state, as the regions of the mountains or the coast.
III The Round Table. Anthropological Knowledge and History of Guerrero, takes place from 26 to 29 August in the city of Taxco and will aim discuss about anthropological work carried out in the area and the relationship they have on social development in the state.
Among the topics to be discussed are: cultural heritage conservation, ethnobotany, intercultural education, linguistics and public policy research, production and market indigenous crafts, rituals and worldview indigenous oral tradition, among others.
2008 field season
Among the tasks to be developed are the conservation of the Burnt Palace and the excavation of Building K, room believed to have been occupied by the Toltec
elite is also provided to conduct studies to confirm the time dating boom
Work conservation and archaeological exploration of buildings like the Palacio Quemado and Edificio K, the latter considered as the space occupied by the elite Toltec-start the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) in the archaeological zone of Tula, Hidalgo state, which will join dating studies to corroborate data covering the period of peak that had the well known "City of Atlantis."
With a budget of about three million pesos, INAH specialists headed by archaeologist Robert Cobean and Luis Gamboa will work seven months in the Conservation and Research Program Maintenance Tula, considered one of the projects most important research of this entity, which provides field seasons extend from three to four years.
Thus, a group of restaurateurs will be devoted to perform conservation work called Palacio Quemado, "the name given by traces of fire found in the remains of the pre-Hispanic structure, which represents one of the top architectural complexes area, consisting of three courtyards with a series columns supporting the roofs and sidewalks decorated with reliefs depicting warriors and musicians in procession.
archaeologist Robert Cobean, reported that the intervention of the building due to the effects caused by the environment and natural phenomena such as strong rains that have affected the region. In this building built with walls of adobe and stucco floors will be a general cleaning, weeding, consolidation of masonry and sealing cracks and fissures.
All this, according to the specialist, will be implementing similar materials to those used during pre-Hispanic times, such as lime, for coating.
Archaeologist also be anticipated that the excavation of building K, which is a fundamental monumental structures of the archaeological zone consists of a huge platform over 100 feet long and 70 meters wide with large rooms consist of columns, its facade forms the boundary of the main entrance to the exhibition and includes a ladder over 15 feet high.
According to information that had the research done in the nineties, when it was excavated to 50 percent of the building, it appeared that probably functioned as a space for meetings and ceremonies of elite groups Tula, a hypothesis that is expected to check with the excavation and analysis of the materials can be located on site.
Excavation the so-called Building K will take about two years, because more than conduct research will seek to rebuild from surveys which have been made during the season of field work also expect to find background material to explain their function, "said Robert Cobean.
Another building to intervene is the Pyramid C, which was explored in 2007, revealing important evidence of the construction techniques of the cores and retaining walls. Here calls for further archaeological excavation and conservation in the preceding year.
also will continue the development of a topographic map of the new architectural-monumental structures in the main site for this specialist work will be supported by new technology to have an exact location of where the third dimension.
Regarded as "the place where he lived the king Quetzalcoatl, Tula had its peak between 900 and 1150 d. C, but with the new research is expected that this date be flown at least 50 years. "With radiocarbon studies being done at different sherds dating hope to have new development of this ancient Toltec city. "
"The basic idea is to document in greater detail, the urban development of Tula, especially the part that is in the archaeological zone, because we still have many questions to resolve on its institutions, history and culture and its importance as a great capital of an expansionist state, "said archaeologist Robert Cobean.
archaeological investigations, initiated 70 years ago confirmed that the well-known as "City of Atlantis" was one of the largest urban centers in Mesoamerica, about 16 km ². The importance of Tula, too, because there ethnohistorical data on various aspects of their history and culture: the names of kings, stories about the founding of the city, and their conquest and decadence.
Within the old city, also have identified dozens of neighborhoods with their own administrative centers and temples, so it is important, said the researcher, making a detailed diagnosis of the condition of all buildings exposed and initiate a program of consolidation and maintenance.
Cobean which will also forward inventory and documentation of the reliefs and sculptures sheltered in the cellars of the area and at the National Museum of Anthropology, as well as renewing the bonds of the site to make it more attractive to the audience and get more visitors.
A team of German and Israeli archaeologists discovered in a loft underground near Jerusalem a clay pot with a treasure of 15 silver coins about 2,000 years old.
"A discovery well is very little common and really exciting, "said Professor Manfred Oeming, University of Heidelberg, news agency DPA.
" It only happens once in life. If you are lucky you will find a treasure and every 20 years, "insisted the archaeologist .
The director of the excavations, Oded Lipschits, University of Tel Aviv , believes the finding has to do with destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD . by the Romans.
"The vessel was covered ground of necessity. He was allegedly hidden in a hurry. It is possible that the treasure has been hidden here immediately after the destruction of the Temple by the Romans, to be picked up later. Apparently the person that hid the coins and could not. I must have missed something, "said Lipschits.
The destruction of the Temple is remembered on the day of mourning and Jewish fast of Tisha B'Av, which falls on Sunday. The treasure had been found so nearly on the anniversary of these facts, 1,938 years later.
The team of archaeologists also found in the same place 380 coins from the Byzantine era . With both findings "clarified the interesting rather significant history of Ramat Rahel, "said Oeming.
The excavations are located south of the Old City of Jerusalem .
The archaeologists believe that 700 years before Christ there was a citadel royal palace of the sons of David, "with the considerable size of 6,000 square meters.
function having is controversial: it could be a luxurious palace for women, an administrative office or a summer residence .
Later, during the Persian era, there was an administrative center and V to VII century AD, a Byzantine church and monastery.
The excavations involved 120 students, 56 from Heidelberg and 20 in Tel Aviv. "In addition to archaeological discoveries, the project is of great importance to relations between Germany and Israel and Judeo-Christian" said Oeming.
Remains of a third century Roman sewer in "good condition" and a road, with side channels and connected with it, have been discovered in the basement of a building of the Galician city of Lugo (northwest), reported the regional government.
The Galician Executive owns the land where Roman remains have been found, belonging to a water pipe system during the time of the Lower Empire, in the III-IV centuries.
The archaeological report detailing the sewer was reused as the building drainage system in the eighteenth and nineteenth , something very common in Lugo, as seen in other interventions in the city.
The remains have been found between fifty and eighty feet deep with respect to the current level of the ground floor.
The report notes that "the levels of Roman and medieval occupation located on a level very close to the current times being destroyed by the recent occupation of the land."
Following this discovery, the Department has decided to amend the planned project to rehabilitate the building and has waived part of buildable for residential use.
Thus, the lower ground floor is not occupied and is intended for the preservation of the surface and the Roman sewer, which will be open to visitors and the public.
Lugo is one of the English cities with more Roman remains, among which its walls.
A group of archaeologists discovered in east London the remains of a theater where William Shakespeare played his first starring roles on stage and took his first works as a writer, announced Wednesday the Museum London .
The playwright took the stage of the Theatre in Shoreditch, east London, as an actor in the company of Lord Chamberlain's Men, which also staged some of the first works he wrote.
Experts think that the Shoreditch Theatre conducted the first performances of 'Richard III', 'The Dream of a Summer Night "and" The Merchant of Venice'.
theater owners dismantled the night of 1599 following a dispute with managers who had rented. Part of the wood was then used to build another theater, Globe, south of the River Thames, which runs the British capital. The
Museum of London archaeologists discovered where was the original theater, which was octagonal, while doing some work for the construction of a new theater. "We knew of its existence for some time but never found any remains," he told AFP Museum spokesman, Tim Morley. "It's the theater where he first served the company of actors from which Shakespeare belonged and that his works represented the first time, when he began writing" he said.
The remains found are kept in the new theater under construction. "Finding that we build a theater for the XXI century in the same place where some of Shakespeare's plays were represented for the first time is a great source of inspiration," said Jeff Kelly, president of the Tower Theatre Company, the company that builds the new theater.
Anthropological Museum of Natural Sciences and Duncan Emilio Wagner, coming to celebrate their 91st anniversary this July 29, is another clear choice in this time of year. Exhibits between its natural and anthropological collections valuable archaeological, botanical and mineralogical zoo. "There is a very large archaeological collection contains materials from the chaco-santiagueña, series monographs and study rock art of English-Indian period, and agroalfarero preceramic periods, funerary vessels, small figurines, arrowheads, and musical instruments. also has a library, periodicals, conference room and audiovisual slides, all these alternatives that we pass to the children of the different schools that we always come to visit (the capital and interior). Also performed concerts and presentations of books in this house, "Longo told employees and Marcelo Liliana Reuter. Currently is about to make a pottery workshop for aboriginal children 6 and up to 12 years and also plans to develop another but for adults in August, three months. The days when you can visit the museum are Monday through Friday from 8 to 20 and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 10 to 19. Its location is Avellaneda 355. Sacred Art is also the Sacred Art Museum San Francisco Solano, which retains a spiritual and artistic heritage of Santiago del Estero, which opened on July 24, 1969 with the contribution of the first religious museum in northern Argentina, Madre Ana Maria Taboada of the house in Bethlehem. This house is the guide Leandro Gauna, adding that since its restoration, recently, many tourists come daily. "We also are working to make invitations to schools to schedule their visits. We know the interest and believe that children must know the religious heritage we have, "he said. In this museum, unlike earlier, people must pay an entrance fee. It has a value of $ 3 general, and for senior citizens and children $ 2. It is located on Avenida Roca and almost Avellaneda, next to the church of San Francisco. Source: Journal The Liberal - Santiago del Estero |
Sources and readings
Writings by Boas Boas
nd "The relation of Darwin to anthropology," notes for a lecture , Boas Papers (B / B61.5) American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. Published on line with Herbert Lewis 2001b.
Boas, Franz 1911 The Mind of Primitive Man ISBN 0313240043
Boas, Franz 1940 Race, Language, and Culture ISBN 0-226-06241-4
Stocking, George W., Jr.., Ed 1974 A Franz Boas Reader: The Shaping of American Anthropology, 1883-1911 ISBN 0-226-06243-0
Boas, Franz 1928 "Anthropology and Modern Life" (2004 ed.) ISBN 0-7658-0535 -9
Writings on Boas and anthropology su
Bashkow, Ira 2004 "Neo-Boasian Conception of Cultural Boundaries" in American Anthropologist 106 (3): 443-458
Bunzl, Matti 2004 "Boas, Foucault, and the 'Native Anthropologist'" in American Anthropologist 106 (3): 435-442
Cole, Douglas 1999 Franz Boas: The Early Years, 1858-1906 ISBN 1-55054-746-1
Darnell, Regna 1998. “And Along Came Boas: Continuity and Revolution in Americanist Anthropology.” ISBN 1556196237
Kuper, Adam 1988 The Invention of Primitive Society: Transformations of an Illusion ISBN 0-415-00903-0
Kroeber, Alfred 1949 "An Authoritarian Panacea" en American Anthropologist 51(2) 318-320
Lesser, Alexander 1981 "Franz Boas" in Sydel Silverman, ed. Totems and Teachers: Perspectives on the History of Anthropology ISBN 0-231-05087-9
Lewis, Herbert 2001a "The Passion of Franz Boas" en American Anthropologist 103(2): 447-467
Lewis, Herbert 2001b "Boas, Darwin, Science and Anthropology" en Current Anthropology 42(3): 381-406 (On line version contains transcription of Boas's 1909 lecture on Darwin.)
Stocking, George W., Jr. 1968 "Race, Culture, and Evolution: Essays in the History of Anthropology" ISBN 0-226-77494-5
Stocking, George W., Jr., ed. 1996 Volksgeist as Method and Ethic: Essays on Boasian Ethnography and the German Anthropological Tradition ISBN 0-299-14554-9
Valdés Gázquez, María. 2006. "El pensamiento antropológico de Franz Boas". Bellaterra : Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. ISBN 84-490-2443-9
Boas, antropología, e identidad judía
Glick, Leonard B. 1982 "Types Distinct from Our Own: Franz Boas on Jewish Identity and Assimilation" in American Anthropologist 84(3) pp. 545-565.
Frank, Gelya 1997 "Jews, Multiculturalism, and Boasian Anthropology" in American Anthropologist 99(4), pp. 731-745.
Mitchell Hart 2003 "Franz Boas as German, American, Jew." In German-Jewish Identities in America, eds. C. Mauch and J. Salomon (Madison: Max Kade Institute), pp. 88-105.
Kevin MacDonald 1998 The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements -- chapter 2 provides a critique of Boas, by resurrecting the Nazi notion of "Jewish science ."